Valentines Roses

$115.00$240.00 inc GST

The PERFECT gift to say “I LOVE YOU”


The PERFECT gift to say “I LOVE YOU”

Pick between half a dozen or one dozen of our premium red roses, paired beautifully with mixed foliage.

Available for preorder only (Delivery & Pickup dates – February 11th – 14th)


All rose preorders must be placed by the 13th of February (11am). Any orders placed after this date won’t be guaranteed a Valentines Day delivery.

Note – we can not guarantee a specific delivery time. Please ensure all delivery details are correct when processing your order. If re-delivery is required an additional $10 fee will be charged. All out of town deliveries must be placed with 24 hours notice.

Thank you, Jannoel Florist


Additional information

Arrangement Type

Bouquet, Vase


Half Dozen, One Dozen